Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rest In peace Kevin

As some of you may know who Kevin aka Kripple Kevin, Outlaw Kevin was in the street of compton. He was one of Compton's finest Street Racer To bless the Streets with his high end 8 ,9 10 second RWD race cars. Kevin was known for being handicapped hense the nick name (Kripple Kevin) He whould drive his cars with hand controls due to the loss of use of his legs which by me was amazing to watch him pull tire on the street and take a full throttle pass down the good ole 35th .

Today at 5:15 am Kevin passed away ...

Kevin's name and Races will live on.

Kevin is a True Street Legend Rest In Peace kevin...
(qouted from DoubleR @

Rest in Peace Kevin..
I remeber watching u race for the first time and being in ahh...
Thinking to myself WTF did i just see..................................................
Heres some vids....

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